Where I Am From

Where I’m from: San Diego 
I’m from the Pacific Ocean, Anza Borrego desert, and the Laguna Mountains.
I’m from a wide range of taco shops, and the mouthwatering California burritos.
I’m from the red and black known as the Aztecs.

I’m from professors who help guide me to success.
I’m from long nights spent working, learning, completing, perfecting, and most of all having fun.
Where I will grow, and plan to spend the rest of life at.
From a land of paradise and love.
Where everyone splits for college, but I will never leave.
From tank tops and flip flops.
I’m from the shores of cali, where the sand meets the water.

 I’m from where the interstate 8 is your main route east to west. 
From a city of multi cultured, and smiles on every face.
From the best weather.
I’m from those happy memories, fun and laughter.

From a city where all pro teams grow then leave.
But still have the truest of fans.
From parents that seen me grow.
From a family that never leaves my side.
I’m from support and love, from open hearts, arms, and doors.

I'm From San Diego. 


  1. Hi Elias,

    I really enjoyed reading your post. Wow lucky duck, you're a San Diego native! Having lived in San Diego for the past 3 years, I have not met many people who were born and raised in SD. I agree, San Diego is absolutely fantastic. There is really nothing much to complain about, it is a great place to live. It's no wonder it is often called "America's finest city", there are so many different areas of the city to explore, each one different from the next. Do you have a favorite part of SD?

    It seems like you and your family are very close, it is nice to hear about families who love and support one another. Are your parents from San Diego as well or did something else bring them here? I have met a few people who were born and raised in SD because one of their parents works in the Navy.


    1. Hey Sydney,

      Thanks for the comment ! Yes I am a San Diegan born and raised I will never leave as this place SD holds a strong place in my heart. It truly is the best city ! My favorite part of San Diego would be Escondido, because I grew up there and theirs a lot of breweries as I am a huge beer fanatic. Fun fact about SD is that it is the beer capital of the world! Some other favorite parts that I would say is my favorite would be Coronado island and Petco Park because there always a fun get away!

      Yes, I am from very large family, whom all live in San Diego ! So we tend to stay close.
      My parents are also from San Diego as well.

  2. It is clear that you adhere to San Diego State University in terms of its style and teachings and it has become a large part of your identity. This is definitely present in your lines talking about your professors guiding your success as well as ¬your long nights spent working to achieve the best education you can get. You continue to build on your identity more and more throughout your poem while also letting the reader know where you geographically come from. Combining these two together is a powerful way to make your mark and demonstrate to your reader who you are and where you come from. The poem has the spirit of California and love for the summer when you describe the beaches, clothing, and western weather. These descriptions are particularly beautiful. It persists to portray your optimistic outlook on life, enjoying the view of a beautiful place (San Diego), and the pride your family must feel for your dedication towards school and creating unforgettable memories.

    -Travis Dattilo

  3. I love that you call San Diego "paradise". That's exactly how I feel about it- tank tops and flip flops and an amazing, diverse culture. I'm so protective of our city and get very defensive when people say they don't like it here. Who doesn't love sunshine and relaxed attitudes and delicious Mexican food?! We pay the sunshine tax for a reason and honestly, if someone doesn't like it, I wish they'd leave! Stay proud of your "pro-sports abandoning" city! I was born in northern California but I have no doubt that I'll be here for the rest of my life

  4. I really enjoyed your post. As a nonnative San Diegan, you highlighted everything I have grown to love about the city. I don't understand why some of my friends have decided to move away. I understand "paradise" comes at a high cost of living that is worth every penny. When I graduated High School I was set on moving far away from home. I decided on an expensive private university in Los Angeles, the city where I was born and lived in until I was 7 years-old. Once I moved to Los Angeles I quickly regretted my decision. I was home sick and would come home every weekend. I was miserable for a year and a half. After 3 semesters I chose to leave that over priced school and return to San Diego. I don't ever plan on leaving San Diego ever again.
    Kimberly Acosta

  5. While I am not a native to San Diego, I appreciate this insight into what it is like being from this beautiful region! I came to SDSU and started living in San Diego about three years ago. I miss being close to my immediate family and the friends I grew up with; leaving that all behind to go away to college was difficult for me, and I imagine the same is true for other college students who moved here as well. However, I found a second home in San Diego, along with all the iconic things you listed in your poem. I am lucky to have locals with similar experiences to you introduce me to their home city and make me feel like I belong. San Diego is truly a special place!

  6. Hey Elias,

    It was nice to read your "Where I Am From" poem because it made me reflect on where I am now. I love the Mexican food here in San Diego as well. You are lucky you got to grow up with all this good food and beautiful beaches around you! I admire your love for San Diego as you plan to spend the rest of your life here. When I first moved here, I could also picture myself making a living out here once I finished school. San Diego does have the best weather and I have already created some of my favorite memories in my life here.

  7. Well as someone you has lived here in San Diego for about the past 10 years i have to agree with you it is pretty great. Your poem sheds light on the fact that some people may not ever realize how great this place or even other places are. We spend too much time focusing on the negative to really see the positives, great job.

  8. I absolutely loved this poem because it was so well written, but also because I am also from San Diego and I can absolutely relate to your experiences. I also did not want to move away for college and chose to go to SDSU because I love it so much here. I also love how you included that you love San Diego so much because it is where your family is. Now I want a California burrito.


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