America A Melting Pot Since The Beginning

America. We are just a blend of many different world cultures in one big melting pot known as the United States of America. Some believe our melting pot heritage has become a stew that is starting to bubble over. Race relations in this country have never been easy, but it seems we've reached a tipping point where immigration reform is concerned.

I believe it shouldn’t be.. the modern day United States was founded by immigrationImmigrants are simply following the footsteps of Columbus and his people looking for something new “a better life.”

As I can relate to this because my mother and father came to the United States at very young with nothing, in search for a better life. We all have our own stories….their story starts by wanting a better opportuinity. They were brave just like the others coming here with nothing, knowing no one and wanting to start a new life for their future. They just like many, had one vision and it was "The land of many opportunities." They simply wanted whats best for us. So on that note, I myself may not be an immigrant because I was born and raised here, but my roots just like every American all begins in a different country. 

All Americans come form different ethnicity's and backgrounds this is what makes us unique. 
America was founded because of immigration. So why slow it down or stop it, when we simply are all immigrants it is what makes us American? 

The United States has been the top destination for international migrants since at least 1960, with one-fifth of the world's migrants living there as of 2017. Despite its long history of immigration following Columbus its been a constant continuation. The percentage of immigrants in the United states is nearly 15% of Americans were foreign-born in 1910, while in 1999, only about 10% were foreign-born." By 1970, immigrants accounted for 4.7 percent of the US population and rising to 6.2 percent in 1980, with an estimated 12.5 percent in 2009. 

Our nation has been made of different immigrants since the start and it keeps rising, but why stop it if its Immigrants that make America great. Our railroads, our steel skyscrapers, our farming and beef industries were all built by immigrants. Starts with the history of the Pilgrims’ arrival at Plymouth Rock we are a nation built off each other.  

So is it important to know the history and where we came from to understand how important the role of immigration is because its what makes us American. 

Liu proposes in his article "What every American Should Know"?  Hirsch Jr. published a slim volume called Cultural Literacy.  In the book was an argument—textured and subtle, not overtly polemical—about why nations need a common cultural vocabulary. Well I believe that yes, no matter how smart you are and what your skills have you need to know the basics. Not necessarily "5,000 names, phrases, dates, and concepts that, in their view, “every American needs to know.” as he stated. But simply the basics of how America began. We began following the footsteps of a brave explorer known as Christopher Columbus searching for a new home for a better life, and better opportunities. 


  1. Elias!

    I love this post! I definitely agree with your point of view. I appreciate that you shared a bit of your life with the class - your parents were very brave. It's so true that America was founded on people like your parents immigrating in hopes of finding something different than what they had before.
    Your statistics and hyperlinks really added to your point and helped give me visuals on what you were talking about (I'm more of a visual person, so I liked that). Also, giving a little bit of history helped bring your point home.

    Thanks for sharing! This was a good read.

  2. Elias,

    Very interesting post! I enjoyed that you shared a little bit of your family history. You have a unique perspective- having two parents that immigrated to the United States. I agree with you, America is and has been a land of opportunity throughout time. It sounds like your parents experienced "The American Dream", starting off with nothing but with some hard work they created a new life for themselves. Becoming an American is very special, generations of people have come to be a part of the distinct American culture and better their lives. I liked your use of hyperlinks and the graph, it added to your argument. At the end, you mentioned that you think it is important that everyone understand America's history. I completely agree, I think it very important for everyone to know about our country's history, there is a lot that can be learned by studying the past.

  3. I really like your post! I completely agree that America is a melting pot and we all come from immigrants whether that be this generation of four generations ago. I find the picture of Lady Liberty stirring a melting pot of protesters super interesting! I really like how you included a bit of data but kept the post lively and interesting with your use of language and imagery. Awesome job! I cant wait to see how you turn this into a full paper

  4. Hi Elias!

    I really appreciate how you talked about America's roots that are connected to immigration. I feel as if it is often forgotten how our country was started in the first place. Immigrants are the ones who helped start up our economy as well as bring in new ideas and values. Without them, America would not be the great country that it is today. Your third paragraph is very relatable because my parents also migrated here from another country in hope for a better life. They were able to pursue their American Dream, and also give that opportunity to me. Your use of statistics was eye-opening and strong towards your argument. Good job!


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